About this publication

No matter how peaceful and pristine a place may seem, absurdity and darkness is never far away.

Why subscribe? What exactly will you write?

You sound afraid. I am too. Let me explain.

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Stay up to date with beautiful poems, nursery rhymes, and bedtime stories delivered straight to your inbox! No more worrying about what to read in bed on a cozy night, a rainy day, or in a moment of downtime. But if you’re easily offended it appears that our journey together must come to a close.

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By signing up, you'll get access to the full archive of everything that's been published before and everything that's still to come. Your very own private library. However, singing up as a premium paid subscriber will grant you access to the most fullest archive of all, and an extra special place in my heart.

Money?! For WRITING?!

I’m glad you let me bring this up. I will be sharing extra stuff for paid subscribers because money helps me justify spending more time on writing to my wife.

There are also other things premium paid subscribers get. This includes:

  • Participation! You can ask questions, get psychic readings (I’m usually wrong), give feedback, be an intimate part of the chaos.
  • Drawings. (they're horrendous)
  • Protection from all witch curses.
  • Member-only pricing on books & other releases.
  • Posts that will only be accessible to paid subscribers.

Access this hidden alcove for just $6 per month! (that's like two coffees)

Mostly, however you choose to read this thing is cool. I’m just happy you’re here. Let this be a place where we can exist peacefully in this mess I’ve made. Thank you for being here, I sincerely appreciate your support.

Some nice things people said

"Rick Silber scares me with his robot simplicity and android precision. Worship him or despair."
Alec Sulkin - Family guy

"If Alec Sulkin likes this stuff then I do too."
Tom Gammill - The Simpsons

"Original, inventive & fun. That’s Rick Silber. Enjoy him while he’s still affordable!"
David N. Weiss - Vice President, Writers Guild of America, Writer Shrek 2

"Rick Silber is persistent, which means he has a vision of where he’s going and a good understanding of which roads might lead him there. That makes him smarter than about 95% of everybody."
Jerry Shereshewsky - Senior Executive, Yahoo!, Coca-Cola, Y&R, Wunderman

"Beneath the crumbling ruins of a once proud civilization, Rick Silber slumbers in his obsidian sarcophagus, awaiting the deafening trumpet of doom that will signal his unholy return."
Andres du Bouchet- Writer, Conan O’Brien Show