How To Feed A Baby Eagle Mayonnaise On A Sunday Afternoon
Not that it happens often, but it’s a good thing to prepare.
For the time when it comes up, you certainly just may care.
An eagle in a nest, it's skinny body bare.
A single feather on its head, it looks like messy hair.
Feeding it on Monday, oh you wouldn't dare.
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday, not even then I swear.
How about Friday? Or would Saturday be fair?
Neither of them but Sunday, for it's the day of prayer.
But what if it's an atheist, and not a bird of pray?
Then take your mother's slipper, and shoo that thing away.
And what if it can't fly, or it just wants to stay?
Then make sure it's cozy, and has a place to lay.
It may be cold and hungry, it's had no food today.
So take a scoop of mayonnaise and put it on a tray.
But what if it can't eat it, the texture is like clay.
Then mix it in a bowl and make a nice puree.