Things to keep Kamala busy while she's hiding

It must be hard to be in hiding for so long with nothing to do. So I thought I’d offer some suggestions to help her pass the time in case she stumbles upon this post.

  • Learn a new board game.
  • Write poetry.
  • Paint.
  • Start watching a new TV series.
  • Think of ways to secure the border. Lol j/k!
  • Think of a new VP pick who hasn’t drunk horse semen.
  • Brainstorm new ways to destroy the nuclear family.
  • Add more letters and numbers to LGBTQIA2S
  • Design a new flag to honor all the refugees so we can add it to our social media profiles
  • Try think of one man (Democrat) she didn’t have sex with in order to climb the political ladder.
  • Learn English.
  • Decide what race she is.

Hopefully these ideas will help keep her occupied until the elections!